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R1PS's Profile

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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 18 Aug 2007
Last Seen: 18 Aug 2007
18 Uploads Total
29 Comments By R1PS

Latest Uploads

8-14 out of 18 uploads
Deshi CH1
Roces Oli Short - Short Frames
Jon Julio Fashion
Razor Elliott III
Team Grycon
Razor Creams
Anarchy Combat 3


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R1PSs latest comments

16-20 out of 29 comments
Roces Oli Short with HUGE CHASSIS
21 Aug 2007 comment on Roces Oli Short with HUGE CHASSIS

Your frame sizing is off!
Razor Elliott III
21 Aug 2007 comment on Razor Elliott III

OMG!!!! LOLZ. can i have your autograph. plz. x
TRS Alpha 7
21 Aug 2007 comment on TRS Alpha 7

[quote=delnotpre] 40 yrs of reollerblading? shut up buddy. yet you still think your oversized frames are perfect. tool. [/quote] I'd say it's nearer 50. I've been ROLLERBLADING for over 15 years so has my Asst. Manager Dwen. Tim who works here has been on them for around 8-9 and Manning has been on for around 7-8. Why do you keep saying vain too, it doesn't make sense? And we can spell ROLLERBLADING too!
Razor Elliott III
21 Aug 2007 comment on Razor Elliott III

"custom Rit Dyed Pink Cuffs"
Jon Julio Fashion
18 Aug 2007 comment on Jon Julio Fashion

We sell all sorts of funky things haha, we will post up more treats within the week including a few delights.

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