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Member Since: 18 Aug 2007Last Seen: 18 Aug 2007
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18 Aug 2007 comment on Rollerblade Tarmac CE 95
Amazing, I owned a pair of these they looked very similar to the state of these ones when they gave up on me. I still have mine and they have been set up to skate again, they have a razors baseplate and a usd tumor plate and razors high soft cuffs. I'll dig them out and put a picture up next week if i can find them.
Amazing, I owned a pair of these they looked very similar to the state of these ones when they gave up on me. I still have mine and they have been set up to skate again, they have a razors baseplate and a usd tumor plate and razors high soft cuffs. I'll dig them out and put a picture up next week if i can find them.
routeone.co.uk - we sell them.