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Member Since: 22 Aug 2007Last Seen: 22 Aug 2007
2 Uploads Total
15 Comments By XXXSJADOXXX
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XXXSJADOXXXs latest comments
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02 Oct 2007 comment on Dominic
because sagonas have a weird kind of plasic on the shell and they just turn yellow
because sagonas have a weird kind of plasic on the shell and they just turn yellow
05 Sep 2007 comment on Remz 07 Three
xsjado frames on remz are stupid [quote=Shane]I just got the same skates but i have xsjado frames and haffey 4x4 wheels the skates are awsome though[/quote]
xsjado frames on remz are stupid [quote=Shane]I just got the same skates but i have xsjado frames and haffey 4x4 wheels the skates are awsome though[/quote]
you related to allison starkey???