bricolage's Profile
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Member Since: 26 Oct 2018Last Seen: 25 Feb 2021
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3 Comments By bricolage
bricolages latest comments
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23 Sep 2019 comment on ST8 edit
Thanks man, I recently ripped the brown/orange tongue off an old DC shoe and replaced the Kizer one with it. With a brown Alex Broskow Rollerblade liner it looks even fresher. I'll post some pics soon, along with my other setups
Thanks man, I recently ripped the brown/orange tongue off an old DC shoe and replaced the Kizer one with it. With a brown Alex Broskow Rollerblade liner it looks even fresher. I'll post some pics soon, along with my other setups
09 Nov 2018 comment on Pat Lennen Pro
Hey there. Do you sell these? I really dig the setup, and oh man, I had blood antirockers in my first K2 Fatty Pro back in 1997/98
Hey there. Do you sell these? I really dig the setup, and oh man, I had blood antirockers in my first K2 Fatty Pro back in 1997/98
ummm, yes, and I'm still rolling these. Just added a GC Big Frame and some 72s. So, not for sale, sorry.