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Member Since: 16 Feb 2019Last Seen: 16 Feb 2019
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6 Comments By FelipePrado01
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16 Feb 2019 comment on USD throne dominic sagona
Can you ship to Brazil? sell on ebay or another form of secure payment? I paid the freight
Can you ship to Brazil? sell on ebay or another form of secure payment? I paid the freight
16 Feb 2019 comment on Deshi Collection
For sale?
Can you send it to Brazil? sell on ebay or any other way?
I want to buy this dk4
For sale?
Can you send it to Brazil? sell on ebay or any other way?
I want to buy this dk4
16 Feb 2019 comment on Deshi CH1 Gray For Sale
Can you send it to Brazil? sell on ebay or any other way?
Can you send it to Brazil? sell on ebay or any other way?
Are you selling all the deshi?
I buy all, if you want we can negotiate the payment method via ebay
Can you send it to Brazil?
I'm very interested, I'm collecting deshi