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Member Since: 31 Aug 2007Last Seen: 31 Aug 2007
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277 Comments By xlarge
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26 Apr 2008 comment on Brian Aragon Unique Prototype skate
[quote=Razor.Skater]i love them they sick! how much wer they and wer u get them from? and add jordan_94_2k7_live@hotmail.co.uk if u have msn and post it to other people thanks [/quote] he's not going to sell them to you, you f--king retard. by the way, thanks for your email, dumbas-.
[quote=Razor.Skater]i love them they sick! how much wer they and wer u get them from? and add jordan_94_2k7_live@hotmail.co.uk if u have msn and post it to other people thanks [/quote] he's not going to sell them to you, you f--king retard. by the way, thanks for your email, dumbas-.
i remember those green scribe plates. so old school and sick. team paradise era. haha. btw what skates did those huge metal wings come from? or are they custom made?