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Member Since: 26 Sep 2007Last Seen: 05 Jan 2023
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144 Comments By nitm2k
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61-65 out of 144 comments
27 Aug 2008 comment on bunch of skateparts
I didn't really know that. I was amazed someone sold all of this and so I grabbed a hand with me. But if anyone is interested I don't mind selling stuff on. The Rollerblade plates aren't my size and some of these parts I got too much of already yet the price was awesome!
I didn't really know that. I was amazed someone sold all of this and so I grabbed a hand with me. But if anyone is interested I don't mind selling stuff on. The Rollerblade plates aren't my size and some of these parts I got too much of already yet the price was awesome!
27 Aug 2008 comment on bunch of skateparts
<br>Check my add (Roces Ventronic)<br><br>The best thing about these Crankstraps is that they where new!<br>
<br>Check my add (Roces Ventronic)<br><br>The best thing about these Crankstraps is that they where new!<br>
Goed gedaan man! Wat zijn dat voor frames? Of beter gezegd waar heb je die gekocht:P