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Member Since: 26 Sep 2007Last Seen: 05 Jan 2023
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144 Comments By nitm2k
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11-15 out of 144 comments
13 Mar 2012 comment on Usd Abdiel Coldberg Costum had a pair laying around I think Ivo (the owner) got them from a warehouse sale! had a pair laying around I think Ivo (the owner) got them from a warehouse sale!
24 Apr 2011 comment on Roces Black Red costum
Nope, this is an original colour skate! of course it didnt look like this before I got to work on it!
Nope, this is an original colour skate! of course it didnt look like this before I got to work on it!
24 Apr 2011 comment on Deshi ch1 with carbon souls
Carbon soulplates are the best thing ever to Deshi enthusiasts!
Carbon soulplates are the best thing ever to Deshi enthusiasts!
Is that liner from an Impala or something?