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Member Since: 26 Sep 2007Last Seen: 05 Jan 2023
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144 Comments By nitm2k
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51-55 out of 144 comments
01 Sep 2008 comment on dom sagona
I like the white cuff better then the blue... Anyhow there pretty cool, shame the dye doesn't seem to be staying on all that well
I like the white cuff better then the blue... Anyhow there pretty cool, shame the dye doesn't seem to be staying on all that well
01 Sep 2008 comment on Rollerbert 1
Think the frame should have yellow or black in it! maybe put in black bolts and a yellow Grind plate? good job:P
Think the frame should have yellow or black in it! maybe put in black bolts and a yellow Grind plate? good job:P
I got the soul in white size 27,0 the one in black size 28,5 sliders in brown in size 4 (27,0-28,5) red in size 3 (25,0-26,5) and grey in size 3 also. Hope you can use them cause over here they are waiting for a new owner:D