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Member Since: 26 Sep 2007Last Seen: 05 Jan 2023
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144 Comments By nitm2k
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23 Mar 2008 comment on Roces oldschool with cool addon
Thanx for the help by the way, I think this will be mine soon!
Thanx for the help by the way, I think this will be mine soon!
23 Mar 2008 comment on Roces oldschool with cool addon
Could I get them to usf frames with a kit?<br><br>But the white piece is an extra you could buy or something?<br>
Could I get them to usf frames with a kit?<br><br>But the white piece is an extra you could buy or something?<br>
23 Mar 2008 comment on Cds Detroit Grindplates
That's some nice showcase of desturction you got there mate!<br><br>'symphony of destruction'<br>
That's some nice showcase of desturction you got there mate!<br><br>'symphony of destruction'<br>
you dyed them white ones?