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Member Since: 26 Sep 2007Last Seen: 05 Jan 2023
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144 Comments By nitm2k
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111-115 out of 144 comments
21 Mar 2008 comment on What do we have here
Ah cool I got some old roces laying around twoo:) Why you got em by the way?
Ah cool I got some old roces laying around twoo:) Why you got em by the way?
21 Mar 2008 comment on The Bunch by Xsjado - usd - salomon - roces
Oki:) I really like them... not sure if I need anything else at the moment, Just trying out styles and grinds and see what else I might need:)
Oki:) I really like them... not sure if I need anything else at the moment, Just trying out styles and grinds and see what else I might need:)
21 Mar 2008 comment on The Bunch by Xsjado - usd - salomon - roces
I like different frames to play around with, who doesn't <img src="templates/multilingual/images/smilies/smile.gif" alt="Smilie Gesicht" border="0"><br><br>BTW my helmet is ubercool!<br>
I like different frames to play around with, who doesn't <img src="templates/multilingual/images/smilies/smile.gif" alt="Smilie Gesicht" border="0"><br><br>BTW my helmet is ubercool!<br>
stylish... shame I dont fit M12