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Member Since: 03 Oct 2007Last Seen: 03 Oct 2007
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31-35 out of 47 comments
12 Nov 2007 comment on dre powell
[quote=kris]dude your insane and hilarious. nice skates. And nice nintendo wii remote behind them[/quote] that's not a wii controller. that's his vibrator.
[quote=kris]dude your insane and hilarious. nice skates. And nice nintendo wii remote behind them[/quote] that's not a wii controller. that's his vibrator.
12 Nov 2007 comment on Dunkles
wait a minute, what did you do/use to clean your boots? help. also why are there 2 holes on the side?
wait a minute, what did you do/use to clean your boots? help. also why are there 2 holes on the side?
11 Nov 2007 comment on Razors F1 Boots
anyone who says they wont get these skates because of the alphabets lettering is a hypocrite. every one is gonna get these skates once the ball gets rolling. these skates are better than the other razors Gens v.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, etc. in a long time.<br><br>go ahead, get your ugly G.6's.<br>
anyone who says they wont get these skates because of the alphabets lettering is a hypocrite. every one is gonna get these skates once the ball gets rolling. these skates are better than the other razors Gens v.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, etc. in a long time.<br><br>go ahead, get your ugly G.6's.<br>
what size are they? :rolleyes: