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Member Since: 17 Oct 2007Last Seen: 08 Jul 2011
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40 Comments By B-Industry
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31-35 out of 40 comments
21 Apr 2008 comment on Aragon 2 Custom
No Problem, but i Like this setup, when you put the Remz Liner in The shell then you need a low Cuff, lower then the Razors. And this is the only option to make a Aragon 2 in size 9 to a 10size
No Problem, but i Like this setup, when you put the Remz Liner in The shell then you need a low Cuff, lower then the Razors. And this is the only option to make a Aragon 2 in size 9 to a 10size
20 Apr 2008 comment on Aragon 2 Custom
but is one of the Problem, just the Remz Liner is Perfect Slim to put a 10 liner in a 9 shell so i like it...
but is one of the Problem, just the Remz Liner is Perfect Slim to put a 10 liner in a 9 shell so i like it...
09 Apr 2008 comment on Remz 0802
great i like it perfect flex and support, perfect for topside trix and feel good for switchups
great i like it perfect flex and support, perfect for topside trix and feel good for switchups
YES thats are Sick