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Member Since: 17 Oct 2007Last Seen: 08 Jul 2011
36 Uploads Total
40 Comments By B-Industry
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B-Industrys latest comments
36-40 out of 40 comments
09 Apr 2008 comment on Brian Aragon 2
Wath for shell size please??? Sick setup hardcore Black whit Metal ....
Wath for shell size please??? Sick setup hardcore Black whit Metal ....
09 Apr 2008 comment on Remz 0802
THX the soulplates are Red stock and i skate Cuffles this is just the shell and the Powerstrap... size is 10 and i think looks realy smaler
THX the soulplates are Red stock and i skate Cuffles this is just the shell and the Powerstrap... size is 10 and i think looks realy smaler
02 Apr 2008 comment on K2 Nemesys
Please say wath for a size have the K2 and wath for a size the soulplate THX
Please say wath for a size have the K2 and wath for a size the soulplate THX
02 Apr 2008 comment on K2 Schrijn Nemesis
Wats for size have the boot and wath for size the soulplate???
Wats for size have the boot and wath for size the soulplate???
Nice SetUp but how long you have search for the loving Yellow cuff ;-) now its finish the one and only in the world. Sick like it....