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Member Since: 17 Oct 2007Last Seen: 08 Jul 2011
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40 Comments By B-Industry
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01 May 2008 comment on DESHI Ch1 light Grey SL 2008
The Boot its US 8 to 9 so need a soulplate in 9 thats works
The Boot its US 8 to 9 so need a soulplate in 9 thats works
30 Apr 2008 comment on DESHI Ch1 light Grey SL 2008
oh no, i have buy me the aragon SL and it skate this 3days ago but it was to tight, so i buy then the deshi and but the SL souls on them... yesterday i was skate them and i love it every day more
oh no, i have buy me the aragon SL and it skate this 3days ago but it was to tight, so i buy then the deshi and but the SL souls on them... yesterday i was skate them and i love it every day more
28 Apr 2008 comment on DESHI Ch1 light Grey SL 2008
no Just cut the front of the plates a litle bit for the toes, lock at the last Pic you will see the cut down... Deshi is size 9 to 10 SL plates from my Aragon in size 9
no Just cut the front of the plates a litle bit for the toes, lock at the last Pic you will see the cut down... Deshi is size 9 to 10 SL plates from my Aragon in size 9
The Red Throne Shell, must i say more??? i wait 6 or 7 jears of this shell, so i must be have it haha