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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 21 Feb 2007
Last Seen: 04 May 2007
2 Uploads Total
25 Comments By d3yF

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1-2 out of 2 uploads
Point 8
DL1 d Stockwell soulplates


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d3yFs latest comments

21-25 out of 25 comments
oil shot model
24 Mar 2007 comment on oil shot model

wow, those are soo fresh
Allstar Classic Thrones
11 Mar 2007 comment on Allstar Classic Thrones

Access liners? why?
Valo TV1 Fashion
28 Feb 2007 comment on Valo TV1 Fashion

these are so nice, Valo should keep on making TV skates, the fashions are the nicest, don't really like the JJ skates and Baileys have bad liner :(
Realm Black
21 Feb 2007 comment on Realm Black

they look really nice, how do they skate?
DL1 d Stockwell soulplates
21 Feb 2007 comment on DL1 d Stockwell soulplates

just what i got on my mind, my favourite groups, their songs, and some random things :)

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