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Member Since: 20 Nov 2007Last Seen: 20 Nov 2007
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38 Comments By blazinrokz
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blazinrokzs latest comments
31-35 out of 38 comments
21 Nov 2007 comment on Remz non UFS skate black and grey
I also have the same pair. mad skates. still use them on the odd occasion. best skates i ever owned
I also have the same pair. mad skates. still use them on the odd occasion. best skates i ever owned
21 Nov 2007 comment on Bauer Skates
[color=rgb(0, 0, 0);]Because some people didn't start skating in the last five years and we appreciate to see old classics we used to roll on back in the 90's! Just a thought.[/color]
[color=rgb(0, 0, 0);]Because some people didn't start skating in the last five years and we appreciate to see old classics we used to roll on back in the 90's! Just a thought.[/color]
21 Nov 2007 comment on Fila Skates
[font=Times New Roman,Times,serif;]yeah these skates were released somewhere in the mid 90's. matt salerno was on their team. they died out pretty fast and from what i heard were pretty shit. Just what i heard....never got the chance to skate a pair. To me they just always represented big companies trying to rape our they did. [/font]
[font=Times New Roman,Times,serif;]yeah these skates were released somewhere in the mid 90's. matt salerno was on their team. they died out pretty fast and from what i heard were pretty shit. Just what i heard....never got the chance to skate a pair. To me they just always represented big companies trying to rape our they did. [/font]
[color=rgb(0, 0, 0);]that is a seriously nice lookign setup. mad props[/color]