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Member Since: 23 Nov 2007Last Seen: 08 Aug 2021
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383 Comments By ninja9
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371-375 out of 383 comments
26 Nov 2007 comment on ch1
wtf is the point of having 2 tongues.. there isnt. I agree put some jugs in or the original sifikas, and not the neo jugs. other than the liners its pretty dope, the soul plates and frames go well.
wtf is the point of having 2 tongues.. there isnt. I agree put some jugs in or the original sifikas, and not the neo jugs. other than the liners its pretty dope, the soul plates and frames go well.
26 Nov 2007 comment on Bauer Skates
these arent crap skates at all, they look like they are made well, except for the raised liner at the back. if they were ufs, stick some good souls on and frames, put new liner in and cut down raised back cuff and these can easily compete with todays market.except theyre a bit shiny.<BR><BR> the souls look a bit like NIMH souls, ha<BR>
these arent crap skates at all, they look like they are made well, except for the raised liner at the back. if they were ufs, stick some good souls on and frames, put new liner in and cut down raised back cuff and these can easily compete with todays market.except theyre a bit shiny.<BR><BR> the souls look a bit like NIMH souls, ha<BR>
26 Nov 2007 comment on Oxygen AR skates OLD SCHOOL
fuckin TANKS! these skates are too bad to be allowed to sell.
fuckin TANKS! these skates are too bad to be allowed to sell.
<P>they are way better with the v-cut cuff- more flex, lighter. I definately would recommend it. Also if you stuff up you can always buy a new cuff. They are'nt that cheap but its not like youve ruined a whole skate.</P>