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Member Since: 27 Nov 2007Last Seen: 27 Nov 2007
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27 Comments By khaleb666
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31 Dec 2007 comment on rzrs icons
the icons are the last genesys skate ever well thats what razor have said and from what i have seen the new boot shape looks very simler but just with some shitty looking souls i reakon they are going to loose lots of money buy stopping the genesys series
the icons are the last genesys skate ever well thats what razor have said and from what i have seen the new boot shape looks very simler but just with some shitty looking souls i reakon they are going to loose lots of money buy stopping the genesys series
31 Dec 2007 comment on 0703
they look cool not to sure on the frames they look good but i reakon they would skate like the xsjado frames and i hate xsjado frames
they look cool not to sure on the frames they look good but i reakon they would skate like the xsjado frames and i hate xsjado frames
31 Dec 2007 comment on CH1 Mix
i would love to have a go on them but would change soul plates to remz one piece fastest souls around
i would love to have a go on them but would change soul plates to remz one piece fastest souls around
lol funny stuff...♥♥☺☺