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Member Since: 03 Dec 2007Last Seen: 03 Dec 2007
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201 Comments By joejamin121
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joejamin121s latest comments
46-50 out of 201 comments
01 Jun 2008 comment on downtown 2
hey i love your skates..... how easy was it to make? eg.. how to put the cuff on the souls etc...
hey i love your skates..... how easy was it to make? eg.. how to put the cuff on the souls etc...
20 May 2008 comment on xsjado basic 08
would you recommend the frames and where did you get them from?
would you recommend the frames and where did you get them from?
18 May 2008 comment on evo throne 2
frames are a bit small and they arent very good and i would suggest a white soul plate and f1 freestyle frames grey and white freestyle h block that wuld make them sick
frames are a bit small and they arent very good and i would suggest a white soul plate and f1 freestyle frames grey and white freestyle h block that wuld make them sick
are the sifika pumps still available?