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Member Since: 03 Dec 2007Last Seen: 03 Dec 2007
7 Uploads Total
201 Comments By joejamin121
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joejamin121s latest comments
81-85 out of 201 comments
20 Apr 2008 comment on Rainbow Fruiter
if you like them then good for you but you are clearly gay and have no taste in colour idiot!
if you like them then good for you but you are clearly gay and have no taste in colour idiot!
20 Apr 2008 comment on Deshi Dk3 Louie Zamora
these are HORRIBLE why would you buy them man! we must have rapidly different taste in skates
these are HORRIBLE why would you buy them man! we must have rapidly different taste in skates
19 Apr 2008 comment on SHIMA SIX
wow those frames have been worn in nicely real nice groove on them now
wow those frames have been worn in nicely real nice groove on them now
19 Apr 2008 comment on My Sick New Realms USD
these skates are so bad it is unbelievable and yu dont actually know what youre talking about do you
these skates are so bad it is unbelievable and yu dont actually know what youre talking about do you
tbh i dont like them but props for the skin