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Member Since: 13 Feb 2007Last Seen: 04 May 2007
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31 Comments By Kloob
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15 Apr 2007 comment on How to V-cut your USD cuff
on both of the cuts its more or less a U-cut. and it increases flex, and with the v-cut it uses all the musicles in the back of your legs allowing you to jump higher as the muscles in the back of your leg are getting stronger. great tutorial and great help thanks
on both of the cuts its more or less a U-cut. and it increases flex, and with the v-cut it uses all the musicles in the back of your legs allowing you to jump higher as the muscles in the back of your leg are getting stronger. great tutorial and great help thanks
13 Apr 2007 comment on Custom USD Aaron Feinberg 3
70% is USD,shell. souls, cuff, cuff buckle, laces. just face it m8, they are feinberg 3's
70% is USD,shell. souls, cuff, cuff buckle, laces. just face it m8, they are feinberg 3's
12 Apr 2007 comment on Custom USD Aaron Feinberg 3
then how are they shit? mine are just a CUSTOM feinberg 3
then how are they shit? mine are just a CUSTOM feinberg 3
regardless if the liner is v-cut or not, you still get more flex from the cuff, which can help some skaters, although flex is sposed to come from the bending of the legs. some skaters cant do that for some reason, so have to bend their ankles, hense why some skaters skate cuffless remz without the padding in the back. i skate v-cut becuase i like the way it feels when you lean back, you get alot more freedom. all round v-cut is a good way to skate, i'd recommend it