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Member Since: 13 Feb 2007Last Seen: 04 May 2007
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31 Comments By Kloob
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25 Jul 2007 comment on USD Classic Throne White ARKON
red RJ's are coming out 10 year anniversaryy USD classic throne, red RJ classics check out ISPO pictures from this year, with deshi harmanus etc.
red RJ's are coming out 10 year anniversaryy USD classic throne, red RJ classics check out ISPO pictures from this year, with deshi harmanus etc.
28 Jun 2007 comment on Razors G 4.1
wtf! they're so small, like mini tanks! they mus be like size 4 or something rediculous like that!
wtf! they're so small, like mini tanks! they mus be like size 4 or something rediculous like that!
those are the sickest Kicks 3 i've ever seen