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Member Since: 15 Dec 2007Last Seen: 15 Dec 2007
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18 Comments By VALObranded
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1-5 out of 18 comments
04 Sep 2008 comment on trooper39s in the making
to be honest, i think it would be better to get some m12 or valo soulplates. they seem like they would be a better fit for that boot.
to be honest, i think it would be better to get some m12 or valo soulplates. they seem like they would be a better fit for that boot.
29 Aug 2008 comment on Purple Digi Camo
i was a lil upset at first, but the purple has grown on me for sure. im thinking of pairing these up with some grey sagona fluid 3's. either that, or i need to find some black inserts and get another pair of orange frames for PHX suns skates...hehehe.
i was a lil upset at first, but the purple has grown on me for sure. im thinking of pairing these up with some grey sagona fluid 3's. either that, or i need to find some black inserts and get another pair of orange frames for PHX suns skates...hehehe.
29 Aug 2008 comment on tv.1 white
sorry to say, but you should have kept these bad boys white for a lil while longer.
sorry to say, but you should have kept these bad boys white for a lil while longer.
what size valo and k2? ive been wondering what size i would need for fattys.