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Member Since: 18 Dec 2007Last Seen: 18 Dec 2007
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23 Comments By posternutbag
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11-15 out of 23 comments
15 Jan 2008 comment on Remz Haffey 3
the haffey 3's came like that. they were black and really dark grey. the only thing that is custom about this is the formula 1 frame that has "SDSF" written on it with a marker. oh and it has the one peice soul instead of the 4 peice that came on the haffey 3s.
the haffey 3's came like that. they were black and really dark grey. the only thing that is custom about this is the formula 1 frame that has "SDSF" written on it with a marker. oh and it has the one peice soul instead of the 4 peice that came on the haffey 3s.
27 Dec 2007 comment on EB.1 Maroon
size 8 Valo w/ size 8 Jug Billy O'Neil liners. I was curious of the price so I made this setup on Roller Warehouse custom skate builder and it costs $391!!! It's $359 at SDSF Valo's ain't cheap.
size 8 Valo w/ size 8 Jug Billy O'Neil liners. I was curious of the price so I made this setup on Roller Warehouse custom skate builder and it costs $391!!! It's $359 at SDSF Valo's ain't cheap.
19 Dec 2007 comment on Razors Shima 5 - 7
actually the Shima 5 is size 10.5 but that's the only one i'm positive of, im not at the shop so i can't check the inventory.
actually the Shima 5 is size 10.5 but that's the only one i'm positive of, im not at the shop so i can't check the inventory.
great work. they look surprisingly well with the USD souls.