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Member Since: 21 Dec 2007Last Seen: 21 Dec 2007
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15 Comments By xrandolphx
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15 Oct 2008 comment on Thisissoul custom Roces FCO
another beautifully modded skate Ivo. I personally would have preferred a white cuff, especially because of the shell colour, but it looks very good anyway. I recently threw away a couple of roces lowriders. who knows what i could have done with those :(
another beautifully modded skate Ivo. I personally would have preferred a white cuff, especially because of the shell colour, but it looks very good anyway. I recently threw away a couple of roces lowriders. who knows what i could have done with those :(
15 Oct 2008 comment on Kels-O-Neill
my cam is broken and my homie took the pic with his phone... maybe i'll put up some new ones in the future...
my cam is broken and my homie took the pic with his phone... maybe i'll put up some new ones in the future...
13 Oct 2008 comment on Rachard Johnson red blue
the red part of the frame is probably stock so no harm there. i'm worried about the blue on the frame though...
the red part of the frame is probably stock so no harm there. i'm worried about the blue on the frame though...
waaaay better. there was something wrong with the kelso liners so they fit terribly! i prefer jug. other sifika liners might be fine, as long as you avoid the ones with the pump system.