kris fae scotalnd's Profile
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Member Since: 25 Dec 2007Last Seen: 28 May 2019
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8 Comments By kris fae scotalnd
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kris fae scotalnds latest comments
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09 Sep 2008 comment on Franky Remz
was it hard replacing the strap with a buckle could u ell me what u did and the skates look sick wb soon
was it hard replacing the strap with a buckle could u ell me what u did and the skates look sick wb soon
18 May 2008 comment on TRS Downtown III
pretty sick dude should stick on the white souls slider thing be kool
pretty sick dude should stick on the white souls slider thing be kool
I like how tight they are acrosS the top of your foot, For some reason dunno why just makes me feel like my feet move how i want them too. the soul kits are fast so that's always a + for me and there pretty light .