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Member Since: 30 Dec 2007Last Seen: 30 Sep 2011
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11 Comments By balepa
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balepas latest comments
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22 Jan 2009 comment on Elliot 3 Custom
"If I ever do get bugged by the cuff/boot wear, i'll just slap on some nimh skins in the future. XD" would it fit ok? o.O(the nose is cut off there...)
"If I ever do get bugged by the cuff/boot wear, i'll just slap on some nimh skins in the future. XD" would it fit ok? o.O(the nose is cut off there...)
07 Jun 2008 comment on Phoenix frames
Element + Suspension = transformers frame) if it's not titan, it will be heavy as hell =\
Element + Suspension = transformers frame) if it's not titan, it will be heavy as hell =\
NoiL, бля,вот хуйню сказал) юз транслит.ру) Thisissoul, learnt)