Scottish_Dave's Profile
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Member Since: 13 Feb 2007Last Seen: 27 Jun 2012
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110 Comments By Scottish_Dave
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Scottish_Daves latest comments
56-60 out of 110 comments
14 Aug 2007 comment on Remz Teams w Element frames
they look so fucking sick, bet they skate amazing, i love the way Elements skate
they look so fucking sick, bet they skate amazing, i love the way Elements skate
14 Aug 2007 comment on deshi ck2
hahaha Dan your skates are shite :D post up a pic of your 0702's there sick
hahaha Dan your skates are shite :D post up a pic of your 0702's there sick
27 Jul 2007 comment on Razors Genesys LE
[quote=Wicked skater]Hey simon That is a GC HiLo Frame ! [/quote] no it's not trust me i have hi-lo's and bullet 8's and those are bullet 8's but fucking sick setup man
[quote=Wicked skater]Hey simon That is a GC HiLo Frame ! [/quote] no it's not trust me i have hi-lo's and bullet 8's and those are bullet 8's but fucking sick setup man
this is a setup made by Kenneth Dedeu from The Conference and Kenneth is definitely not from East Yorkshire go on then on the right theres a menu, go to custom setups then go to knet's custom and if you scroll down to season 2 custom 2 you will see this setup Jamo stop trying to show these skates off as your own when there clearly not