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Member Since: 15 Jan 2008Last Seen: 15 Jan 2008
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36 Comments By teddykrueger
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09 Mar 2008 comment on Razors FLAT
[quote=blade4lyfe]have u ever skated the jsrf skates u have in the background[/quote] I've tried them once, rolled around my backyard, nut that's about it, i don't wanna brake em...:P they're chillin' in my glass-case all the time =P i woul love to make more jsr/jgr skates! btw those are from the first jet set radio game, titled jet "grind" radio in the states, although it would be cool to make jsrf skates also!
[quote=blade4lyfe]have u ever skated the jsrf skates u have in the background[/quote] I've tried them once, rolled around my backyard, nut that's about it, i don't wanna brake em...:P they're chillin' in my glass-case all the time =P i woul love to make more jsr/jgr skates! btw those are from the first jet set radio game, titled jet "grind" radio in the states, although it would be cool to make jsrf skates also!
mad fresh! =) check out my g7's tell me waht ya think^^