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Member Since: 17 Jan 2008Last Seen: 17 Jan 2008
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122 Comments By P0Nt3
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16-20 out of 122 comments
28 Feb 2008 comment on aragon 2
Interesting idea but I don't think it's a very durable design. Stick with the original Genysis skates You know the 1-6 or whatever that are the exact same skate.
Interesting idea but I don't think it's a very durable design. Stick with the original Genysis skates You know the 1-6 or whatever that are the exact same skate.
25 Feb 2008 comment on Brian Aragon 2 New Shell
I seen that video, I don't like the new design at all. They are overcomplicating what is very simple. the one piece souls are the best. Those "sliders" look like I'd break em, and I don't like having to rely on screws to keep on my soulplates.
I seen that video, I don't like the new design at all. They are overcomplicating what is very simple. the one piece souls are the best. Those "sliders" look like I'd break em, and I don't like having to rely on screws to keep on my soulplates.
22 Feb 2008 comment on ST 90 Fully Loaded
Widebodies are good if you grind out the backslide area. I made mine kinda look like Xsjado plates. and yes. I had widebody negatives :P
Widebodies are good if you grind out the backslide area. I made mine kinda look like Xsjado plates. and yes. I had widebody negatives :P
20 Feb 2008 comment on downtown 2
I broke a descent chip outta my inserts too and I have the Kevlar/Plastic ones. Nice setup dude.
I broke a descent chip outta my inserts too and I have the Kevlar/Plastic ones. Nice setup dude.
The colour was done a long while ago. I'm still workin on em, gettin the new plates and liners or just dying those black.