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Member Since: 17 Jan 2008Last Seen: 17 Jan 2008
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122 Comments By P0Nt3
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27 Jan 2008 comment on TRS-USD mix read description
That looks like Morales on steroids. Nice job man.
That looks like Morales on steroids. Nice job man.
27 Jan 2008 comment on Haffey 01
Nice. Makes ya think why they didn't make these soulplates earlier.
Nice. Makes ya think why they didn't make these soulplates earlier.
26 Jan 2008 comment on Remz Haffey 3
They're the Haffey O4one. I have them but I coloured mine black and red. Originally the plastic is black but the fabric is Charcoal, Grey and Cream. Hated the 3 levels of shade.
They're the Haffey O4one. I have them but I coloured mine black and red. Originally the plastic is black but the fabric is Charcoal, Grey and Cream. Hated the 3 levels of shade.
Indestructible. Those things could withstand a nuclear attack :P