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Member Since: 17 Jan 2008Last Seen: 17 Jan 2008
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122 Comments By P0Nt3
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24 Jan 2008 comment on Custom UFS Skate - EXTRA LOW CUFF
lol I knew I heard about these from somewhere...hmmm...let me think... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80_k_IVX6RM Check it out...JUST DO IT! woot
lol I knew I heard about these from somewhere...hmmm...let me think... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80_k_IVX6RM Check it out...JUST DO IT! woot
24 Jan 2008 comment on Fatty
[quote=ScuZzY]K2 claimed it's backslide plate materials create the smoothest and most comfortable backslides, and proven to Royale like no other. Hmmm... It's made of nylon, though. AND it wears out damn loving fast![/quote]Ya but you gotta think of the time when these actually came out and what others had to offer...pretty ahead of the game I say.
[quote=ScuZzY]K2 claimed it's backslide plate materials create the smoothest and most comfortable backslides, and proven to Royale like no other. Hmmm... It's made of nylon, though. AND it wears out damn loving fast![/quote]Ya but you gotta think of the time when these actually came out and what others had to offer...pretty ahead of the game I say.
24 Jan 2008 comment on Rollerblade A6
I already designed an aggressive ice skate...uses all the same parts you normally would...but requires flat rocker setup (preferrably 2004 Able frames) I just need to find a metal fabricator to cut the blades.
I already designed an aggressive ice skate...uses all the same parts you normally would...but requires flat rocker setup (preferrably 2004 Able frames) I just need to find a metal fabricator to cut the blades.
24 Jan 2008 comment on USD REALM WHITE CUSTOM
LOL that's okay. I'm portuguese :P and I prefer completely different boot style...Woot to soft and semi-soft boots.
LOL that's okay. I'm portuguese :P and I prefer completely different boot style...Woot to soft and semi-soft boots.
What are you talking about?! It came out only a few years ago...old as hell would be pre-UFS