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Country: DE SelectCountry
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City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 17 Jan 2008
Last Seen: 17 Jan 2008
10 Uploads Total
122 Comments By P0Nt3

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8-10 out of 10 uploads
Deshi Spizer 1 Custom
TRS Alpha-1 Customs


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P0Nt3s latest comments

76-80 out of 122 comments
deshi dk2 white
23 Jan 2008 comment on deshi dk2 white

1st The dk2s had built in liners. 2nd They are sweet and I wanted a pair but a few of my friends bought em and those side bar things rip off almost immediately for all of them. Though they all loved the skate very much..just hated the cheap bars.
K2 Transfers
23 Jan 2008 comment on K2 Transfers

I DO! HOW MUCH!!! I been looking for those dang things for time now. No one and nowhere has them
23 Jan 2008 comment on USD REALM WHITE CUSTOM

so...if they are slow in grinds and the backslide area is sucks...does that not make them a bad soulplate system??? :P
Majestic 12 Classic
23 Jan 2008 comment on Majestic 12 Classic

[quote=Majin-Kiisu]There is no denying that this skate is disgusting. What is the point in the massive tall bit on the cuff at the back? it would dig into your legs like a bitch[/quote] I don't think Roces thought about that back then...aggressive skates were just becoming aggressive skates...notice a similarity between this and most other recreational skates?? that's cuz that's pretty much what they are with a few alterations for grinding. But just think...if it wasn't for skates like this...blading might not be what it is today. Hell, if it wasn't for Roces, blading might still be Uberunderground in apposed to starting to see the light...So I say...thank you Majestic 12! PS...looks like someone like shat diahrea all over those Remz while they were skating, then looked at it, then repulsed by the diahrea covered Remz, puked all over them too.
Oxygen AR skates OLD SCHOOL
23 Jan 2008 comment on Oxygen AR skates OLD SCHOOL

your 48?! Much respect man! oldest dude I seen blading was my buddy allan..I think he's like 27 or 28 now. Your one EXTREME dude.

Former / Old School Skate Manufacturers:


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Deshi Spizer 1 Custom
Category: Skates
Brand: Deshi
Model: Pro Skate

Category: Skates
Brand: Rollerblade
Model: TRS

TRS Alpha-1 Customs
Category: Skates
Brand: Rollerblade
Model: TRS