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Member Since: 19 Jan 2008Last Seen: 19 Jan 2008
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46 Comments By blade4lyfe
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26-30 out of 46 comments
23 Mar 2008 comment on USD Throne with v-cut and Jugs
get jug V cut liners they would work way betta btw like ur setup but dont care much for USD skates
get jug V cut liners they would work way betta btw like ur setup but dont care much for USD skates
23 Mar 2008 comment on Remz Os
My suggestion is 2 keep the V cut cuffs and liner and get formula one frames(black and white)btw ur skates are sweet
My suggestion is 2 keep the V cut cuffs and liner and get formula one frames(black and white)btw ur skates are sweet
those are tight sellin frame wat size