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Member Since: 02 Feb 2008Last Seen: 02 Feb 2008
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8 Comments By smirnus
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smirnuss latest comments
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24 Feb 2008 comment on Razors Genesys White Shell - purpel details
You can edit your listing and delete the second pic. Looks good considering markers have a lot less ink than a package or dye.
You can edit your listing and delete the second pic. Looks good considering markers have a lot less ink than a package or dye.
02 Feb 2008 comment on Oxygen AR PRO
You noobs don't know shit about skates. Oxygens were loving bombproof, more than I can say for your shitty Deshi's and USD. Deshi's get floppy and USD has always used shitty hardware.
You noobs don't know shit about skates. Oxygens were loving bombproof, more than I can say for your shitty Deshi's and USD. Deshi's get floppy and USD has always used shitty hardware.
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Some different soul plates would probably make those.