living_on_skates's Profile
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Member Since: 05 Feb 2008Last Seen: 05 Feb 2008
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87 Comments By living_on_skates
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66-70 out of 87 comments
29 Apr 2008 comment on DESHI Ch1 light Grey SL 2008
i love them! one of the best skates i've seen so far! =D
i love them! one of the best skates i've seen so far! =D
15 Apr 2008 comment on k2 style points bob
just make your own v-cut ;) & i like the skates. they look zo much better with a 2 piece :)
just make your own v-cut ;) & i like the skates. they look zo much better with a 2 piece :)
13 Apr 2008 comment on latimer 1
[quote=illthrilla]sick skates! i love xsjados with type m's. and btw, are those really different than newer xsjados? i keep hearing that the DL 1's suck but all the other xsjados are different but better. if so, why and how do they differ ? [/quote] these are the only xsjado's i've tried ;)
[quote=illthrilla]sick skates! i love xsjados with type m's. and btw, are those really different than newer xsjados? i keep hearing that the DL 1's suck but all the other xsjados are different but better. if so, why and how do they differ ? [/quote] these are the only xsjado's i've tried ;)
haha,i wish i had those! :P i'm thinking about panting (or dying) my DL1's like that,and buy the footwraps of those stockwells :)