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Member Since: 10 Feb 2008Last Seen: 10 Feb 2008
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28 Comments By klimax149
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16-20 out of 28 comments
14 Mar 2008 comment on Fatty
you suck ass and infact don't rule learn your old school history man those were the best at the time. [quote=xlarge]it's not a backslide. it's just a retarded piece of plastic K2 invented and then slapped onto the side. i rule. [/quote]
you suck ass and infact don't rule learn your old school history man those were the best at the time. [quote=xlarge]it's not a backslide. it's just a retarded piece of plastic K2 invented and then slapped onto the side. i rule. [/quote]
11 Mar 2008 comment on K2 Stylepoint Bobs
best bet man is to check ebay, but i'll keep a look out and hit you back if i fine any your size, i try to restore older blades for the hell of it so if you have any other blade in mind that's old i might have them, but various in sizes [quote=gord_ski]^ haha how come i knew you would find this anyone have them in a 7.5-8?[/quote]
best bet man is to check ebay, but i'll keep a look out and hit you back if i fine any your size, i try to restore older blades for the hell of it so if you have any other blade in mind that's old i might have them, but various in sizes [quote=gord_ski]^ haha how come i knew you would find this anyone have them in a 7.5-8?[/quote]
hey r these for sale and if they r what size and how much