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Member Since: 22 Feb 2008Last Seen: 22 Feb 2008
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52 Comments By nizumba1rolla2003
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nizumba1rolla2003s latest comments
31-35 out of 52 comments
08 Mar 2008 comment on Razor Icons Custom - Rasta Self dyed
haha. probably 14....right rasta blast? anyways...the frame dye job is really shitty. [highlight=#cccccc]cool idea. cuff looks aight.[/highlight]
haha. probably 14....right rasta blast? anyways...the frame dye job is really shitty. [highlight=#cccccc]cool idea. cuff looks aight.[/highlight]
07 Mar 2008 comment on Razor G6
id take that skate out for a nice dinner, and not call her the next day. nah, just playin. those are sick. i like those frames a lot. do they work well for ya? do you skate this skate at all anyway?
id take that skate out for a nice dinner, and not call her the next day. nah, just playin. those are sick. i like those frames a lot. do they work well for ya? do you skate this skate at all anyway?
mmmm. those are nearly perfect