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Member Since: 29 Feb 2008Last Seen: 29 Feb 2008
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8 Comments By extraSAUCE
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29 Feb 2008 comment on NIHM 2 at Winterclash
[quote=xlarge]sorry but who was wearing those red friggin pants? [/quote] seriously..they are almost as ugly as the skates.
[quote=xlarge]sorry but who was wearing those red friggin pants? [/quote] seriously..they are almost as ugly as the skates.
29 Feb 2008 comment on Remz 0802
yeah those are butt.they should just redesign the remz instead of selling the same thing over and over..they are great skates but im getting tired of looking at them.<br>
yeah those are butt.they should just redesign the remz instead of selling the same thing over and over..they are great skates but im getting tired of looking at them.<br>
still LOVE IT.