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Member Since: 18 Mar 2007Last Seen: 24 Apr 2007
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37 Comments By Rollerbert
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31-35 out of 37 comments
13 Apr 2007 comment on Salomon ST Vinny Minton 06
little review: they skate so fucking good, no other skate could beat that!!! i learned bs savannahs and fs/bs backslides in 2 hours because of the big groove, its so easy to logg topside tricks and the have an incredible support to my feet. they're not very fast in souls, but thats allright if you have some wax!!!
little review: they skate so fucking good, no other skate could beat that!!! i learned bs savannahs and fs/bs backslides in 2 hours because of the big groove, its so easy to logg topside tricks and the have an incredible support to my feet. they're not very fast in souls, but thats allright if you have some wax!!!
09 Apr 2007 comment on Salomon ST Vinny Minton 06
i like the way it looks <img src="templates/multilingual/images/smilies/cool.gif" alt="Cool" border="0">
i like the way it looks <img src="templates/multilingual/images/smilies/cool.gif" alt="Cool" border="0">
09 Apr 2007 comment on Salomon ST Vinny Minton 06
i had to make the groove so big... for better break in in royales an fulltorques. i cut it with a fret saw and made the groove biger with a file.
i had to make the groove so big... for better break in in royales an fulltorques. i cut it with a fret saw and made the groove biger with a file.
man i love salomons with kizer frames. nothing else would look better i think!!! but its your choice... rest of the setup... well, i'm not a big fan from big customisations on a salomon skate. i like them too much, so by myself, i couldn't "destroy" them for putting duals or anything else on them ;-) i customise the widebodys and thats enough. but if you like the duals, why not? and it dosen't lok bad!!!