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Member Since: 18 Mar 2007Last Seen: 29 Apr 2007
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27 Mar 2007 comment on Jeff Stockwell custom
Yes, and this frames make this skates a technological step forward because now with the lightness and comfort of xsjados i got perfect ride and real freedom for my feet, and i even can't describe how perfect do they lock on royals) and now when it is confirmed that powerslide acquires xsjado i hope the we will have new team or pro models with suspention in better color scheme and with improved durability.<br>
Yes, and this frames make this skates a technological step forward because now with the lightness and comfort of xsjados i got perfect ride and real freedom for my feet, and i even can't describe how perfect do they lock on royals) and now when it is confirmed that powerslide acquires xsjado i hope the we will have new team or pro models with suspention in better color scheme and with improved durability.<br>
26 Mar 2007 comment on oil shot model
i dont belive that you can lock the buckle cos we tried to set this linear on valos and faild
i dont belive that you can lock the buckle cos we tried to set this linear on valos and faild
[quote=Justin] I had this same problem with my Latimer II's and feinberg III suspensions(which go together perfectly in everyway). All I had to do was cut the bolts with a dremel. Nice setup, by the way. [/quote] yes,as it seen on pics kizer has frame bolts bigger 2 fit thrones so i did cut them, but later i've got an idea to use mook bolts... so it's up to u which way to go, and i love my setup not only for being smooth but also for being a technologically advansed