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Member Since: 08 Mar 2008Last Seen: 08 Mar 2008
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22 Comments By lakatos
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02 Jun 2008 comment on roces street
LOL i remeber those :) they have something like the oposite of V cut cuff, they have A shaped cuff :D
LOL i remeber those :) they have something like the oposite of V cut cuff, they have A shaped cuff :D
12 May 2008 comment on hey dude throne 2
i thought elements were designed as frames for all styles - flat, anti, freestyle and they look much sicker with antis or even without, than flat in my opinion
i thought elements were designed as frames for all styles - flat, anti, freestyle and they look much sicker with antis or even without, than flat in my opinion
10 May 2008 comment on Rainbow Fruiter
they look like some kinda retarded parrot :D all i have to say is there supagay :D
they look like some kinda retarded parrot :D all i have to say is there supagay :D
i would also suggest putting some antirockers in the middle, they make your frame live much longer