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Member Since: 09 Mar 2008Last Seen: 09 Mar 2008
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16 Comments By beanie2258
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23 Apr 2008 comment on Aaron Feinberg
[quote=stubbsy]i think it already is, he's got the V cut liner in there. and to have a v cut liner and not a v cut cuff would be pretty retarded [/quote] 1st...its full cuff 2nd how could you not see that?
[quote=stubbsy]i think it already is, he's got the V cut liner in there. and to have a v cut liner and not a v cut cuff would be pretty retarded [/quote] 1st...its full cuff 2nd how could you not see that?
[highlight=#cccccc]v.nice. gimmie the kelso cuffs :D[/highlight]