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Member Since: 20 Mar 2007Last Seen: 06 Oct 2013
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37 Comments By Reynolds
Reynoldss latest comments
6-10 out of 37 comments
21 Jun 2012 comment on M12 X Valo 2 Piece Souls
Those RB Wheels are mighty Ancient!!!!!
I had some kicking still a few years ago.
Those RB Wheels are mighty Ancient!!!!!
I had some kicking still a few years ago.
23 Apr 2012 comment on Roces Lowrider
Just realised, where I said are... should have been aren't The Frame's not flat on the mounting point. The back is taller to deal with the raised heel of a Roces Boot.
Just realised, where I said are... should have been aren't The Frame's not flat on the mounting point. The back is taller to deal with the raised heel of a Roces Boot.
22 Apr 2012 comment on Roces Lowrider
The Mounting points are level with each other.... so not really...
The Mounting points are level with each other.... so not really...