bruntus - default.jpg

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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 14 Apr 2008
Last Seen: 14 Apr 2008
1 Uploads Total
8 Comments By bruntus

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Xsjado stoskwellbasicfarmer
20 Mar 2009 comment on Xsjado stoskwellbasicfarmer

nice! so what really interests me is how does the frame skate flat?
17 Aug 2008 comment on FARMER 239s

your a loving idiot! 1st of all i only skate street!! 2nd you cant skate and therefore need a freestyle frame to be able to grind! haha looser since when is skating flat only for parks?
Stockwell 2
24 Jun 2008 comment on Stockwell 2

soooo sick! i should be getting mine this weeK! wht size? 45?
cuffless 0802
05 Jun 2008 comment on cuffless 0802

whattttttt razors dont have flex? hahaha you have no -loving idea and its obvious you have juts started skating, otherwise who would even think about skating one of the flexiest, unstable skates without a cuff? even your friend on rollernews thinks your an idiot for skating cuffless!
cuffless 0802
04 Jun 2008 comment on cuffless 0802

why would you need flex? the less flex the better, smother your style becomes!!!!!!!!!!! and -fucking learn to use your knees, the skate shoulnt do everything for you i hope you break your ankle for being an idiot! you might learn something

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