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Member Since: 22 Apr 2008Last Seen: 22 Apr 2008
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6 Comments By foot2big
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24 Apr 2008 comment on Deshi ch1 blk-wht
Yeah, thats the wrong frame. I wear a 13/14 and my wheels are way further out. I don't know how you skate em.
Yeah, thats the wrong frame. I wear a 13/14 and my wheels are way further out. I don't know how you skate em.
22 Apr 2008 comment on Razors G7
[highlight=#cccccc]Dude, on the third pic, I didn't see that they were on a rug, and it looked like your wheels were totally pitted out and chunked. LOL [/highlight] Awesome skates, I roll the same. Props
[highlight=#cccccc]Dude, on the third pic, I didn't see that they were on a rug, and it looked like your wheels were totally pitted out and chunked. LOL [/highlight] Awesome skates, I roll the same. Props
Bet I could flow the hell outta the bowl with em. Cool and clean. They don't even look skated. Sick!