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Member Since: 23 Apr 2008Last Seen: 23 Apr 2008
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116 Comments By speedy9_78
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speedy9_78s latest comments
51-55 out of 115 comments
28 Aug 2008 comment on Off road Killers
god damn it...your tastes are a disgrace to skaters:)) that looks like a ski boot on a....(no, that doesn't look like a frame)piece of steel with wheels
god damn it...your tastes are a disgrace to skaters:)) that looks like a ski boot on a....(no, that doesn't look like a frame)piece of steel with wheels
25 Aug 2008 comment on Remedyz Collection
wow [highlight=#cccccc]that's really cool[/highlight] [highlight=#cccccc]but it would be even better if u had kept them as new...that would really be somethin[/highlight]
wow [highlight=#cccccc]that's really cool[/highlight] [highlight=#cccccc]but it would be even better if u had kept them as new...that would really be somethin[/highlight]
that's cool as hell