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Member Since: 23 Apr 2008Last Seen: 23 Apr 2008
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116 Comments By speedy9_78
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speedy9_78s latest comments
11-15 out of 115 comments
25 Feb 2009 comment on Razors Icons 2
some green slide plates and a white backslide would really make these some killas
some green slide plates and a white backslide would really make these some killas
22 Feb 2009 comment on OS2 double tongue
that's just stupid. @urbandivide: how the hell could it make him skate better you dumb@ss?
that's just stupid. @urbandivide: how the hell could it make him skate better you dumb@ss?
14 Feb 2009 comment on m 12
i guess this is the only good looking pic you can take on a roces, because you can't see the rest of the boot:))
i guess this is the only good looking pic you can take on a roces, because you can't see the rest of the boot:))
14 Feb 2009 comment on Sandal Skates
loool nice one man;) what's next? grind sandals? i'm guessing these may feel a little bit loose on the edges=)))))))))))
loool nice one man;) what's next? grind sandals? i'm guessing these may feel a little bit loose on the edges=)))))))))))
horrible paint job...i agree with koraz