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Member Since: 26 Apr 2008Last Seen: 26 Apr 2008
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25 Comments By shroom
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shrooms latest comments
16-20 out of 25 comments
26 May 2008 comment on TRS Point 8
how are the point 8s do u like them? would u recamend puting different souls on them
how are the point 8s do u like them? would u recamend puting different souls on them
26 May 2008 comment on JJ1 TAN
how did u get the memory buckle inside of the skin like that and cover the hole up so nice
how did u get the memory buckle inside of the skin like that and cover the hole up so nice
26 May 2008 comment on spizer 2
[quote=adam ]im thinkin about skating wot skates should i get to get me started [/quote] u should get a pair of rollerblades
[quote=adam ]im thinkin about skating wot skates should i get to get me started [/quote] u should get a pair of rollerblades
how did u get the souls to stay on the deshi's. plz tell i want those skates so bad and they are not even out yet in the us